The stateless and hapless Rohingya people, who have rightfully drawn global sympathy for their plight as victims of ethnic cleansing in Myanmar and taken refuge in Bangladesh, now face a renewed ...
Once upon a time, being a hero required courage, selflessness, and an unwavering sense of justice. Not anymore! In the grand theatre of 2025 Dhaka, heroism has been redefined. Forget rescuing people ...
In Bangladesh, a Bachelor or Master’s degree certificate is usually the result of 16 to 18 years of education. Then again, as the old saying goes, in Dhaka city you can get tiger’s milk if you have ...
ফজল বলেন, ‘কিছু মানুষ জিহাদের নামে জান্নাতের পথ খুঁজছে, অথচ একজন ধর্মীয় আলেমের বিরুদ্ধে অস্ত্র তোলা সংকীর্ণতার পরিচায়ক, এটি ...
চলছে পবিত্র রমজান মাস। রোজার সময় মানুষের দৈনন্দিন ...
India's visa restrictions on Bangladeshi nationals, while initially perceived as a barrier, could serve as a wake-up call for Bangladesh to strengthen its healthcare system and regain the confidence ...
সিরিয়ায় আবারও রক্তক্ষয়ী সংঘর্ষ ছড়িয়ে পড়েছে। একসময় দেশটির শাসক থাকলেও, এখন পালিয়ে বেড়াতে হচ্ছে বাশার আল আসাদকে। গেল ...
ইরানের সর্বোচ্চ ধর্মীয় নেতা আয়াতুল্লাহ আলি খামেনি বলেছেন ...
The government has released Tk 10 billion as cash incentive for the country's exporters, according to sources. It offers such incentive and cash subsidy against export earnings. Finance Division ...
Hamas pushes for phase two of Gaza truce, stresses urgent need for aid to re-enter enclave Hamas's key demands for 2nd phase include a full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza Israel wants an extension of ...
ইব্রাহিম কার্ডিয়াক হাসপাতালের লাইফ সাপোর্টে চিকিৎসাধীন ...
A file photograph shows S Arabia-bound workers wait in front of Saudia Airlines office at Karwanbazar in Dhaka in July for flight rescheduling as the airlines cancels flights without any notice amidst ...