Here’s a shot I took at twilight looking down on the well-protected Admiralty Bay, Bequia, the Grenadines Carol ...
It has been well received in the market, too, by both consumers and the judges of the most prestigious product awards. It won the 2023 DAME design award at METS, Time magazine’s Best Invention Award ...
Here’s a shot I took at twilight looking down on the well-protected Admiralty Bay, Bequia, the Grenadines ...
What a couple of years it has been for young American sailor Cole Brauer. First, in 2023, she made a very seamanlike qualifying run solo across the North ...
Now here’s something completely different – racing singlehanded around the world in a 19-foot sloop from Antigua to Antigua via Panama and the Cape of Good Hope. That’s ...
The most common work activities are in order: running my own business, consulting in my field, managing my investments/real estate, and creating content for social media. Most readers ( 55%)work from ...
But wait, here’s one more beautiful photo of the mooring field at Warderick Wells Land and Sea Park. It was taken by my son, ...
The administration has already made it clear, but not in writing as far as we can find, that the USCG will be repurposed to interdict both drugs and immigrants coming to the U.S. Given the ships and ...