There’s a new, first-of-its-kind, dairy product hitting store shelves this year. And it’s sure to resonate with consumers who ...
South Dakota has cemented its position as a leader in the dairy industry, thanks to remarkable growth in its dairy cow ...
Dry whey and nonfat dry milk prices are under pressure. This is having a significant impact on the potential for milk prices.
About 45% of U.S. corn production acres and 36% of the soybean ground are dry. The western Corn Belt needs moisture, in particular. A big, wet snowstorm could help, says Eric Snodgrass.
Ever.Ag - The risk of loss trading commodity futures and options can be substantial. Investors should carefully consider the ...
Following White House directives, USDA is honoring existing contracts with farmers, releasing approximately $20 million for the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP), the Conservation ...
As market conditions fluctuate, dairy farmers have reached a crossroad – do they sell beef-on-dairy crossbreds as newborns, ...
The latest version of the animal care segment of the Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) Program was recently launched. The new version is the latest installment of program guidelines, ...
Global milk production among leading dairy exporters is headed for growth in 2025, but will it be sufficient to offset rising dairy demand? That’s the top-of-mind question for U.S. dairy producers and ...
Patrick Christian is like many dairy farmers, as he grew up alongside his younger brothers learning to milk cows, feed calves and bale hay on his family’s Lomira, Wisconsin dairy farm. However, for ...
In its March World Ag Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report, the USDA increased its U.S. milk production forecast for 2023. Milk price predictions, however, went in the opposite direction. For ...
Growing up with a long line of strong women, Jessica Pralle-Trimner does not back down from hard work and wholeheartedly believes women play an integral role on dairy farms across the U.S. The ...