There are so many heartworm prevention for cats options on the market, but which is the best for your cat? Let's review some ...
A well-maintained yard is a dog’s dream. They can fulfill their urge for zoomies, sniff flowers, and roll around in fresh cut grass or a pile of leaves. Besides being a convenient option for dogs to ...
Your indoor cat used to spend most of their time napping in a sunny windowsill, but bouts of scratching, licking, and chewing at their skin have made them restless. You check for the source of the ...
Don't miss the next pet food recall! Stay up to date with pet-related recalls and alerts so you can help keep your dog or cat safe.
Dr. Emily Swiniarski is Medical Director of Anti-Cruelty Society in Chicago, Illinois. Her professional interests include infectious diseases, community cats, and whole health of animals in shelter ...
Emily Oliver is a certified veterinary technician (CVT) who spent over 10 years in a mixed animal practice, working with cats, dogs, equines, and farm animals. Interests include surgery and anesthesia ...
If you have cats, you’ve likely seen them vomit at some point in their life. Some cats vomit so often that their people think of it as “normal.” But that’s far from the truth. While not every vomiting ...
Dr. Joanna Woodnutt is an experienced companion animal veterinarian who is passionate about helping clients worldwide to understand their pets. She’s fascinated by the human-animal bond and believes ...
Don't miss the next pet food recall! Stay up to date with pet-related recalls and alerts so you can help keep your dog or cat safe.
Dr. JoAnna Pendergrass is a freelance medical writer who writes extensively in the pet owner education space. She is passionate about empowering pet parents with the pet care information they need to ...
Don't miss the next pet food recall! Stay up to date with pet-related recalls and alerts so you can help keep your dog or cat safe.