Ending poverty and injustice starts with gender justice and rights for women. Gender discrimination and persecution threaten the safety and dignity of millions of women around the world. Queer, trans, ...
More than 38 million people live in poverty in the United States—the wealthiest country in the world. Oxfam exposes the realities of life for working poor people and offers pragmatic solutions to ...
A community member in Gaza receives a food distribution from Oxfam and partners Economic & Social Development Center of Palestine (ESDC) and Palestine Agricultural Development Association (PARC).
A powerful network of influential women dedicated to advancing gender and racial justice to create an equal future for women and girls. Oxfam America Sisters on the Planet® Ambassadors are a diverse ...
Oxfam America is governed by a board of directors, advised by a leadership council, and managed by a senior executive leadership team. Oxfam America’s senior staff members bring a wide range of ...
The attacks on foreign assistance & USAID are already having life or death consequences for millions of people globally, cutting off critical food, water, medicine, sanitation, and more.
An equal future is possible only if we work in partnership. With your support—and that of more than 2,300 local organizations and international allies—Oxfam reaches tens of millions of people in more ...
Of the 5.9 million children who die each year, poor nutrition plays a role in at least half these deaths. That’s wrong. Hunger isn’t about too many people and too little food. It’s about power, and ...
In 1942, a group of Quaker intellectuals, social activists, and Oxford academics formed the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief in response to the plight of refugees in Greece. After the war, Oxfam (a ...
We’re so glad you’re part of the Oxfam community. Together, we’re fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice for families around the globe. Thank you for standing with us to build a more equal ...
If you believe that everyone has the right to be treated fairly and to have the same rights and opportunities, then you're one of us. At Oxfam America, we come to work everyday to help create a more ...
In our continued mission to end poverty, hunger and social injustice, we constantly strive to hire the best possible talent. Our people make a difference on a global basis every single day, and you ...