Social, digital and financial inclusion through informal adult learning. We offer free basic digital skills training throughout Stockport. Visit What's on in Stockport for details about our free ...
Everyone has the right to live in safety, and free from abuse and neglect. Here's how to report it and prevent it. Abuse or neglect can take place anywhere. Contact us if you, or someone you know, is ...
Everything you need to know to make the most of your visit to Stockport Museum.
Find information about applying for a primary school place.
Explore Stockport’s wide choice of walks and trails and find useful guides to download.
The Ethnic Diversity Service is a specialist service which provides a wide range of support for EAL pupils and schools, and promotes equality and diversity. Stockport Interpreting Unit provides ...
Sector 3 Stockport is excited to announce the launch of the Kao SEED Fund in partnership with KAO Data Stockport. This new initiative invites local voluntary, community, faith, and social enterprise ...
Find out about getting married at Stockport Town Hall.
Properties in England are put into one of 8 bands, A to H, depending on the price they would have sold for in April 1991. You can check your property band on the GOV.UK website. Bands are set by the ...
We're no longer accepting face-to-face visits. We're moving our collections to Stockroom, a universal learning and discovery space at the heart of Merseyway, due to open spring 2025. The Stockport ...
Find out about the history of the Air Raid Shelters. Use our calendar to find out what's on at the Air Raid Shelters.
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