Purpose of Rule: Rule 5 covers how to play a round – such as where and when you may practise on the course before or during your round, when your round starts and ends and what happens when play has ...
Purpose of Rule: Rule 14 covers when and how you may mark the spot of your ball at rest and lift and clean your ball and how to put it back into play so that your ball is played from the right place.
Purpose of Rule: This Rule allows you to do things on the putting green that are normally not allowed off the putting green, such as being allowed to mark, lift, clean and replace your ball and to ...
Purpose of Rule: Rule 16 covers when and how you may take free relief by playing a ball from a different place, such as when you have interference by an abnormal course condition or a dangerous animal ...
Purpose of Rule: Rule 17 is a specific Rule for penalty areas, which are bodies of water or other areas defined by the Committee where a ball is often lost or unable to be played. For one penalty ...
This will allow for the Handicap Index to be updated as new scores are posted. If fewer than 20 scores are recorded on a player’s scoring record the adjustment is applied to all recorded Score ...
Scroll down for Search Results. You may search for a specific question within The Rules of Golf FAQs by entering a keyword(s) in the field below and clicking "Search ". You may also show all questions ...
The Golf Handicap & Information Network® Presented by Sentry Insurance brings together golfers of all playing abilities with innovative products to drive engagement and bring out the best in your game ...
Play the course as you find it and play the ball as it lies. Play by the Rules and in the spirit of the game. You are responsible for applying your own penalties if you breach a Rule, so that you ...
Playing either match play or stroke play, In match playMatch Play: A form of play where you or your side plays directly against an opponent or opposing side in a head-to-head match of one or more ...
In an authorized format of play (see Rule 2.1a Played in an Authorized Format of Play) over at least the minimum number of holes required for either a 9-hole or an 18-hole score to be acceptable (see ...
The clubhead must be generally plain in shape. All parts must be rigid, structural in nature and functional. The clubhead or its parts must not be designed to resemble any other object. It is not ...