The winter flu season is still in full force, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, causing many sufferers to halt their exercise regimen. But not every illness requires ...
Exercise is associated with general health benefits such as relieving stress and improving mood. When combined with other treatments, exercise may improve symptoms of several mental health ...
Want better sleep in your older years? Time to grab some weights. Exercise, but particularly those workouts that incorporate resistance to improve muscular strength, can be helpful for older ...
Exercise can help improve mood and quality of life in individuals with bipolar disorder. It can also help reduce the risk of physical health conditions associated with bipolar disorder, such as ...
Trying to lose weight? Or just want to make sure you eat enough calories to fuel your exercise regime? Use our calculator to find out how many calories you need – and how many your exercise ...
An emerging body of multidisciplinary literature has documented the beneficial influence of physical activity engendered through aerobic exercise on selective aspects of brain function.
Scientists have churned out a bunch of studies lately about why exercise is important for brain health and may even help to lower your risk of dementia. Now, new research breaks down a specific ...
Fitting in the exercise you’re meant to do can be tough. But recent research has presented a surprising solution: “exercise snacking”. Breaking down your daily exercise into smaller chunks ...
If making time to visit the gym every day is a struggle then there might be an easier way to hit weekly exercise goals - dancing around your kitchen for 20 minutes every morning is enough to reap ...