На первом этапе в модернизацию находящегося под управлением Latvijas Gaze уникального и крупнейшего в регионе Инчукалнского подземного хранилища газа (ПХГ) в Латвии планируется вложить 89,7 млн.
С 4 декабря 2015 года к обязанностям главного редактора единственной в ЕС ежедневной газеты на русском языке «Вести Сегодня» в Латвии приступил Андрей Шведов. Перед новым главным редактором ...
31 thousand foreigners are residing in Lithuania at the moment. The majority of them are EU citizens. However, it has been noticed that more and more Africans and Asians are becoming interested in ...
Latvian Football Federation has launched internal investigation following last week's Latvian Higher League (Virsliga) Winter Cup match between Babite and Lithuanian football club Marijampole Suduva, ...
As the newspaper "Dienas Bizness" reports, the Riga railroad car factory "Rigas Vagonbuves rupnica" (RVR) together with the Belarusian company "Belkomunalmash" are working on a plan for tram ...
The motion to remove Krotovs came from six opposition council members regarding the situation with the Stendes nami company. Due to significant debt, the company’s buildings in all of Stende are on ...
Former world cycling champion Romans Vainsteins has become the head coach of the Latvian national bicycle road racing team, as Latvian Cycling Federation informed LETA. All members of the Cycling ...
The exhibition "Zoo Photography. Kaunas. The Last Decade of the Soviet Era" will take place in Vilnius from February 11 till April 3, 2011, in Lithuanian National Art Gallery, as its statement says.
Недавно в Риге зарегистрирован Институт Ближнего и Среднего Востока (ИБСВ). Учредителями стали его директор, доктор социологии Айдын Аскеров и доктор экономики, профессор Балтийской ...
A world-famous American rock band Red Hot Chilli Peppers gave a concert in the evening of July 28 in Kaunas, and its singer Anthony Kiedis was presented a family tree with his Lithuanian roots, ...
Презентация книги экс-презизента Литвы Валдаса Адамкуса "Последняя каденция: Дневники президента" состоится сегодня вечером в Вильнюсской ратуше. Отмечающий 85-летний юбилей В.Адамкус ...
A court in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv has granted the prosecutor general’s request to freeze Latvian millionaire Vasilijs Melniks’ assets, according to Ukrainian media reports. The decision to arrest ...