Melalui pasang surut sejarah Malaysia, DAP berdiri teguh dalam mempertahankan hak semua rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira bangsa, agama atau kepercayaan. Kami tetap tegas dalam usaha membentuk masyarakat ...
The DAP’s Central Executive Committee (CEC) is the highest decision making body, leading the party by setting directions and constructing its policies. The CEC consists of thirty members ...
The Democratic Action Party (DAP) was formed in October 1965 based on the ideology of social democracy; with freedom, social justice, equal opportunity, and solidarity as its main tenets. The party ...
(Ipoh, Saturday): P.Patto was born in Bagan Serai on the 10 th December1946. He was raised by his grandfather as his father passed away when P.Patto was just 10 years old. P.Patto died at the age of ...
Tidak. DAP tidak berjuang kerana kaum atau agama tertentu. Ia terbuka kepada semua kaum. Malah, DAP kini mempunyai wakil rakyat berketurunan India yang terbanyak di kalangan semua parti di Malaysia.