Grief’s ‘double vision’ beholds both the bereaved and dead. Recognising this duality helps explain our ability to move on ...
Unquestioned community rules on marriage, dining and even black cats often stem from our hunger to explain random events ...
In the social media age, it seems impossible not to measure ourselves against others – but we can dodge the worst pitfalls ...
We used an electric-shock dilemma to test the strength of people’s moral principles when faced with real-world complexities ...
is a therapist and metacognitive specialist, managing several clinics in Denmark and providing metacognitive therapy online in English. She has a PhD from Manchester University and trained with the ...
is a detective chief superintendent and associate professor at the Norwegian Police University College in Oslo, and has 15 years’ experience as a senior detective in the Oslo Police department and at ...
You don’t have to be outgoing. But if being introverted is holding you back from the life you want, dive in for a way out Photo by Danielle Kiemel/Getty Images ...
is a cartographer and writer living and working in Minneapolis.
is a psychologist and personality researcher at Witten/Herdecke University in Germany. His work focuses on motivated (self-)perception, specifically examining individual differences in self-knowledge ...
For a woman who never fit the mould, living on a remote island was easy. Starting over afterwards was a bigger challenge ...