Saturn has left its former rival in the dust with a new total of 274 moons, almost twice as many as all the other planets ...
The UBC Vice-President, Research and Innovation (VPRI) office has committed a total of $2 million over the next four years to UBC Vancouver Faculties to support undergraduate research. The Faculty of ...
Are you entering your first year at UBC Science? Are you a transfer student—from a different faculty or institution? Visit here for steps to guide you through your first year at UBC. Students apply ...
Science Peer Academic Coaches help support students in achieving their unique academic goals. Students who work with a SPAC coach see lasting improvements to their study habits. SPAC coaches work with ...
Ranked as one of the world’s leading public universities, UBC is a global centre for top-tier research in the life, physical, earth and computational sciences. Our discipline-based expertise is ...
UBC Science is developing several open learning projects, embracing and encouraging unrestricted access to research, learning and scholarly publishing on a variety of platforms. UBC offers interactive ...
6 credits of communication coursework must be completed before promotion to 4th year class standing View required courses in the UBC Academic Calendar Learn more about your eligibility to take English ...
The application will open in Spring 2025. You must complete all departmental and faculty requirements listed below by the end of the current Winter Session for any specialization to which you apply.
The Dean of Science is the chief academic and administrative officer of the Faculty. For appointments please contact the Dean's Assistant. Manages the administrative organization and support staff of ...
If a medical or personal issue is affecting your academic life, see us as soon as possible! Don't wait for exams. Our advisors can connect you with resources to help you cope with extenuating ...
Who is eligible to apply for a BSc specialization? BSc students in 2nd or 3rd year class standing without a specialization and eligible, are required, to apply for a specialization through this ...