The legacy of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, a lay order dedicated to education since the 17th century, is enshrined ...
As Pope Francis celebrates 12th anniversary of his election in the hospital, the papal biographer told The Tablet that the ...
Not long after Lou Groen opened a McDonald’s in Cincinnati, he noticed that during Lent, the local Catholic community took ...
An old saying about the Vatican states that “the pope is never sick until he’s dead,” and this position has held true in ...
On March 6, the lower church at St. Patrick Parish hummed with a cacophony of reed instruments called “practice chanters” and ...
Almost 700 soon-to-be Catholics from Brooklyn and Queens took a big step in their faith journey by taking part in the Rite of ...
Pope Francis is no longer considered in imminent danger from his lung infection, but he will remain in Rome's Gemelli ...
As in all things, when we read a pas-sage presented to us in the Lectionary from the holy Gospel, we need to place it into ...
As Pope Francis' condition remains stable, which is a sign of continued improvement, he followed the start of the Lenten ...
The bishop’s vocation retreat is a wonderful opportunity to bond with others and find your vocation. I have been on this ...
Angela Peguero took a major step toward that goal on March 9, as she was one of hundreds of people who participated in the ...
Blessed Carlo Acutis will become the Catholic Church’s first Millennial saint when he is canonized on April 27, and another ...