Para 2030, poner fin a todas las formas de malnutrición, incluso logrando, a más tardar en 2025, las metas convenidas internacionalmente sobre el retraso del crecimiento y la emaciación de los niños ...
The Commission on the Status of Women’s two-week session will include the following activities: Proposed organization of work. Open meetings are being webcast on UN Web TV.
The programme of side events and parallel events, or activities organized outside the formal programme of the session of the Commission, provides an excellent opportunity for Member States, UN ...
Building upon commitment to the women, peace and security agenda, the Security Council has further considered women, peace and security as a cross-cutting issue in its work and adopted thematic and ...
Women’s and girls’ rights are facing unprecedented growing threats worldwide, from higher levels of discrimination to weaker legal protections, and less funding for programmes and institutions that ...
Climate change is making our world more dangerous. Catastrophic storms, of increased frequency and strength, are destroying lives, vital infrastructures, homes, and businesses. Severe droughts are ...
Since their adoption more than 13 years ago, significant and substantial progress has been made in meeting many of the eight Millennium Development Goals, including visible improvements in all health ...
This year marks three decades since the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action set forth a bold vision and game-changing roadmap for equality. In 1995, 189 governments came together in a ...
Geneva/New York — New data from the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and UN Women reveal limited progress in achieving gender equality in political leadership at the start of 2025, the year which marks ...
It is estimated that one in five women live with a disability [1]. Women with disabilities experience various types of impairments—including physical, psychosocial, intellectual, and sensory ...
The Independent Evaluation, Audit and Investigation Services (IEAIS) provides UN Women management with independent evaluation, internal audit assurance, investigation, and advisory services relating ...