HENNING TAPPE (GER) looks at the financial constitutional aspects of the reform and warns about potential drafting errors in ...
Kurz vor dem Ende der 20. Wahlperiode, die nach Art. 39 Abs. 1 Satz 2 GG mit dem Zusammentritt des neuen Bundestages voraussichtlich am 25. März 2025 endet, soll mit Blick auf die verschärfte Sicherhe ...
In the past decades we have been able to observe judicial reactions to democratic backsliding both in Hungary and Poland. While judges in Hungary have seemed to adopt the typical restrained approaches ...
Einige der hier angestellten Überlegungen gehen zurück auf einen im letzten Jahr erschienenen Aufsatz des Verfassers: Johannes Gallon, Eilgesetzgebung als empirisches Phänomen und ihre ...
Although some of these individual measures may be legal, a holistic approach shows that it is the sum of these parts that finds itself at odds with EU law, balancing on the edge of loyalty and ...
The division of the CSM, for instance, seems inspired by the motto divide et impera rather than strictly necessary for the separation of career paths. In this regard, France offers some insights, as ...
Europhile opponents present the invalidations, first of the elections and now of the candidacy, as valiant examples of militant democracy and rule of law in action. I argue that the story is both ...
Am 10. Oktober 2024 entschied das Bundesverwaltungsgericht (BVerwG), dass einem Mitglied der Partei „Der III. Weg“ der Zugang zum juristischen Vorbereitungsdienst verwehrt werden müsse. Eine solche Mi ...
Many years ago, I gave a lecture on collective security and international law at the Karazin University in Kharkiv. Among the ...
One year after the DSA’s entry into force, the time seems ripe for an existential question: should ODS under the DSA develop as an independent, informal, decentralised system of justice, or is it ...
Against this entirely commonsense understanding, the unitary executive theory insists on a vision of the Constitution that muddles the text, is weakly grounded in history, and ignores how executive ...