The Argus sat down with Gavriela Meyers ’25, a member of the Wesleyan Women in Science (WesWiS) Steering Committee who is ...
“As is well known the pioneer work has been done in the Chemical Laboratory of Wesleyan,” The Argus reflected. “A large part ...
“The Ukraine is weak, it’s feeble,” Newman remarked.
Soccer fans were treated to great games and moments that will go down in Champions League history as nothing short of iconic ...
The Government Inspector” brought its audience to a little town in the countryside of Russia, where the governor (Ezekiel ...
Ethan Singleton ’28 is a prospective government major and human rights advocacy minor from Carrollton, Texas on the men’s ...
As the two faculty representatives on the Committee for Investor Responsibility (CIR), we appreciate the Argus’ reporting on the administration’s axing of the committee. In this op-ed, we cannot ...
As snow flurried down outside the Patricelli ’92 Theater, the audience, huddled inside, was aflutter with anticipation as they awaited the beginning of the Spike Tape/SHADES Cabaret, organized by ...