Beli Hotel dapat memberikan keuntungan, baik berupa passive income maupun capital gain. Selamat datang di Indonesia adalah situs jual beli properti pintar yang dapat mempermudah pencarian ...
Unblocked scenic view of greenery ~ Adjacent to the Khatib Bongsu Nature Reserve, providing residents with a serene and green environment and opportunities for outdoor activities such as jogging, ...
Cari sewa rumah kost Bandung terdekat dari lokasi Kamu? Temukan 947 TERBARU dari kosan Bandung yang bisa disewa. Sangat cocok untuk semua kalangan mulai dari mahasiswa, pekerja hingga keluarga. Kost ...
Unrivalled accessibility ~ Located a 4-minute walk away from Pasir Panjang MRT station on the Circle Line. Freehold project surrounded by greenery ~ This freehold development sits on a hilltop with ...
Harga kos kost an kamar mandi dalam bersih dan luas binus kemanggisan Rp 1.7 Juta/Bulan Harga kost eksklusif dengan balkon pribadi nyaman, aman, tenang Rp 2.6 Juta/Bulan Harga promo kost putri wanita ...
Located amidst a park ~ The Hill @ One-North is right beside One-North Park, where residents can enjoy lush greenery in the middle of the city. Close proximity to 2 MRT stations ~ The Hill @ One-North ...
Mature and Non-Mature Estate rental prices decreased by 0.1% and 0.9%, respectively. 3-room rental prices increased by 0.1%. 4-room, 5-room, and Executive rental prices decreased by 1.3%, 0.6%, and ...
Convenient location ~ 3-minute walk to one-north MRT Station on the Circle Line which connects residents to prime city locations. Cutting edge live-work-play environment ~ Comprehensive facilities and ...
Bagnall Haus achieved over 60% take-up during its launch weekend, with sold units averaging at S$2,490 psf, a compelling price for a well-positioned freehold property near an MRT station. Prime ...
Harga tanah industri 4.5km dr exit tol gedeg mojokerto Rp 750 Ribu/m² Harga tanah murah kawasan industri kl raya gedeg mojokerto cocok utk pabrik Rp 800 Ribu/m² Harga tanah industri jln raya mojokerto ...