World premieres are prioritised (see General Information on Premiere Status). German films applying for Generation need to be a European premiere as minimum requirement and may not have been presented ...
Moritz de Hadeln's new role as Berlinale director did not get off to an easy start. After the previous year’s Deer Hunter scandal, it was now necessary to pour oil on troubled waters and create a ...
Jing Haase holds a master’s degree in film and German language, culture and literature. During and after her time at university, she worked for festivals in many capacities, ranging from driver to ...
When Chloe finds herself homeless, she decides to leave Athens and travel to the other side of the country to live with her older sister. On the way, she happens to meet a group of young people who ...
The Berlinale is a unique place of artistic exploration and entertainment. It is one of the largest public film festivals in the world, attracting tens of thousands of visitors from around the globe ...
In the run-up to the next festival, you will find all information on ticket sales on this page.
Jury Statement: O último azul explores age, freedom, self-determination, and friendship in a dystopian and hostile world with a cheerful and colorful approach – a true gem of hope at this year’s ...
History has left scars on the body of Abidin Ertuğrul, the partner of director Nathalie Borgers. Her film follows these scars back to the Turkey of the 1970s, when Ertuğrul was forced out of the bus ...
João, an actress from Lisbon, is starring in a biopic about the gender-nonconforming Liberada, who was persecuted by the Inquisition in 18th-century Portugal. Although the director of the biopic seems ...
All streams and videos of the 75th Berlinale on demand.
<em class="tit1">A Letter to David</em> is a personal cinematic letter from filmmaker Tom Shoval to David Cunio, who was taken by Hamas from the Nir Oz kibbutz on ...