In 2020, the Legislature and Governor updated the State Agency Climate Leadership Act codified in Chapter 70A.45 RCW. The Act directs state agencies, including universities, colleges, and community ...
The Padilla Bay Reserve offers a variety of educational programs for school groups, children, families, and adults. Our interpretive center features interactive exhibits, saltwater aquariums, and ...
Your input is valuable to our decision-making process. We post water right documents for notice or comment. Documents posted for comment have a link to our online comment form. Other documents are ...
We also provide educational resources to property owners who want to drill a new well, maintain a well, or close down (decommission) an unused well. Well drillers and property owners have the ...
Phases out the use of copper in vehicle brakes and requires manufacturers to certify that brakes comply with the law. Regulates lead, cadmium, phthalates, and other chemicals in children's products.
Will Ecology adopt the universal waste aerosol cans rule? At this time, we have not adopted the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) rules for universal waste aerosol cans. Businesses must continue ...
Casey Sixkiller was appointed by Governor Bob Ferguson as the 14th Director of the Washington State Department of Ecology. With more than two decades of experience in federal, Tribal, regional, and ...
We developed a quantitative modeling framework to assess current and potential future risks of oil spills in Washington waters as required by RCW 88.46.250. The modeling framework is a long-term asset ...
Discharge standards can vary, but most of Washington's wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) must meet technology-based effluent limits. See full standards and alternative discharge limit details in ...
We recently updated our website to a new platform and not all of our historical documents are available online yet. We know that you reference these documents and we are working to make them available ...
We obtained rights to allocate 14,000 acre feet of water specifically to meet the needs of six northeast Washington counties where water supply opportunities are scarce. Two-thirds of Sullivan Lake ...
In 2008, Washington's Legislature passed the Children's Safe Products Act (or CSPA) (Chapter 70A.430 RCW). This law applies to children’s products sold in Washington state. Washington’s laws apply to ...