Lukas sesudah bercerita (Luk 9:22-27), bahawa Yesus sendiri harus menderita, mati dan bangkit, langsung memberitakan ...
Walau bagaimanapun, dalam pergolakan ini, Yesus memberi jaminan kepada kita bahawa satu perkara tetap pasti: Janji Tuhan yang ...
Perubatan terbaik untuk menyembuhkan kesakitan keluarga yang cedera adalah pengampunan, kata Sri Paus Fransiskus.
Pejabat akhbar Takhta Suci mengeluarkan kenyataan pada petang Rabu, Mac 6 yang menyediakan maklumat terkini perubatan harian ...
BAU: Gereja St Stephen bersukacita apabila seorang pemuda dari paroki itu ditahbis sebagai Diakon baru-baru ini. Seminarian ...
Hasil kerjasama daripada tiga Komuniti Umat Katolik (KUK) di Zon Nabawan, menyebabkan kejayaan majlis ulang tahun empat orang paderi.
Since February 24, the faithful, led by cardinals and bishops, have prayed the daily rosary in St Peter’s Square for Pope ...
If we understand this and treat those affected with dementia as fully human, with minds of their own who are entitled to the full respect of others, then perhaps they can live a full and meaningful ...
Lord, humble me so I can change for the better and genuinely love another as You love selflessly ...
Christian leaders in the Holy Land are protesting renewed attempts by the Municipality of Jerusalem to impose municipal taxes ...
Lent is a season of waiting. For forty days, we walk with Jesus through the desert, facing the emptiness of our hearts and ...
The serene surroundings of St Lukas Centre became a hub of spiritual renewal and camaraderie as 62 altar servers from the ...