Shell casings were recovered by Des Plaines police in the area of a report of shots fired overnight Thursday (Feb. 20).
Mount Prospect Park District board candidate Matt Lowen emphasized the community has trusted the district with the recently approved $46.2 million referendum to upgrade multiple facilities in the ...
Busse Highway looking west in Des Plaines in 2020. (Journal photo) The Illinois Dept. of Transportation announced that a resurfacing of Busse Highway, from Miner Street (U.S. 14), in Des Plaines ...
A gas main break closed southbound Patriot Boulevard between Chestnut Street and Independence Avenue in Glenview at 1:10 p.m. today (Tuesday). Northbound lanes of Patriot are open. Nicor had crews ...
Mental Health Matters Palatine Township and Buehler YMCA invite community members to a town hall discussion about the upcoming community mental health board referendum in Palatine Township.
Dist. 207 Those Who Excel honorees (starting at top, left corner): Eliades Hernandez, Erik Lozano, Melissa Murray, Ruth Shook-Orr, Emily DeLeon, School-Based Health Center Team which includes Amy ...
From left: Jon Ridler, Jim Tinaglia, Tom Schwingbeck Should the Chicago Bears move to Arlington Heights, each of the village’s three mayoral candidates running in the April 1 election envision ...
Sometimes the dream finish to a season goes to someone else instead of you, despite all the effort you put in to become a state champion. The sad reality of the state playoffs is only 8 out of ...
There may have been a major game in New Orleans on Sunday night, but the biggest win of the weekend belongs to an Illinois Lottery player who purchased a jackpot-winning Lotto ticket worth $ ...
The Journal sent questionnaires to candidates running in several contested races for boards serving Glenview in the Tuesday, April 1 local elections. The following are answers provided by village ...
Palatine park board candidates (from left) Terry Ruff, Sue Gould, and William Van Giesen The three candidates running for two, six-year seats on the Palatine park board April 1 all have ideas on ...
First-degree murder charges were filed against a resident with the same address as the victim in last week’s homicide in Glenview. Police said Charles Poulos, 55, of 21 Glenview Rd., was charged ...