A class action has been filed against a NSW luxury developer and a local council by property owners alleging the land selected for a 683-lot project was unfit for residential development.
Over objections from the Law Council, the ACCC has updated its cartel immunity policy to bar lawyers for companies seeking immunity from interviews with applicants for derivative immunity.
CityLink operator CML has been overcharging Eastlink operator ConnectEast for ‘roaming fees’ in an arrangement that allows customers to use one account over both toll roads, a court has found.
The High Court has agreed to weigh in on when uncommon use of land amounts to a nuisance in a class action by small business owners over Sydney’s light rail construction.
Jailed former Labor politicians Ian Macdonald and Eddie Obeid, and his son Moses Obeid, have asked the High Court to toss their convictions for conspiracy to rig a mining exploration tender.
A lawyer who included ‘hallucinated’ citations from ChatGPT in material submitted to the court in a migration appeal has been referred to the NSW Legal Services Commissioner.