A comprehensive and coherent set of mathematics standards for each and every student from prekindergarten through grade 12, Principles and Standards is the first set of rigorous, college and career ...
Whether you're experiencing new challenges or celebrating new breakthroughs, your firsthand perspective is invaluable. Legislators want to understand the impact of these decisions through your eyes.
Thinking about numbers using frames of 10 can be a helpful way to learn basic number facts. The four games that can be played with this applet help to develop counting and addition skills. (This ...
The NCTM representatives outlined four critical priorities during their congressional meetings: Strengthening the Foundation ...
Bobbie Bear is planning a vacation and wants to know how many outfits can be made using different colored shirts and pants. Click on a shirt or a pair of pants and drag it over Bobbie Bear. Release ...
A tessellation is a repeating pattern of polygons that covers a plane with no gaps or overlaps. What kind of tessellations can you make out of regular polygons? What shapes tessellate? If shapes can ...
When students become active doers of mathematics, the greatest gains of their mathematical thinking can be realized. The process of sense making begins when we create classrooms full of curious ...
recognize the attributes of length, volume, weight, area, and time; compare and order objects according to these attributes; understand how to measure using nonstandard and standard units; select an ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven tools can respond to students’ thinking and interests in ways that previous tools could not. By drawing from large language sets, AI has the potential to adjust ...
Change the number of sectors and increase or decrease their size to create any type of spinner. Then, conduct a probability experiment by spinning the spinner many times. How does the experimental ...
This tool allows you to practice multiplying single-digit numbers. Click on any of the blue squares to show a product. Double-click on any displayed product to hide it behind a blue square again.
NCTM would like to recognize and congratulate the 102 NCTM members recently announced as recipients of the 2021-2023 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching-the nation's ...