Existing horizon scanning activities could be strengthened to aid budget planning in the context of high upfront cost therapies such as gene therapies. International collaborations could be leveraged ...
The Office of Health Economics is delighted to host the Health Economists’ Study Group Summer Meeting, which will run from 30th June – 2nd July 2025. Founded in 1972, the Health Economists’ Study ...
Patrick Holmes is an industry veteran with over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry in a broad range of roles, most notably in the global policy arena. Patrick is the Science and ...
Andrew is a leading expert in health economic evaluation, with a particular focus on statistical methods for cost-effectiveness analysis. His work encompasses parameter estimation for economic models, ...
The policy environment for rare disease and orphan medicines is complex and encompasses regulation, reimbursement, and ...
Notes: results ‘per person’ comprise all people with asthma in the UK, results ‘per year’ comprise all people using pMDIs (not limited to asthma). In relation to our secondary aim of exploring the ...
Measuring and valuing health outcomes is arguably what makes health economics such a unique and sometimes controversial discipline. The idea of putting a numerical value on an individual’s health ...
Alastair Fischer Ph.D. has had a long career in statistics, economics and public health. He has a BSc from the University of Adelaide majoring in Pure Mathematica and Statistics, a BEc from the ...
Matthias is a Principal Economist at OHE. His expertise and research interests include regulatory science and policy, the value of pharmaceuticals for patients and society, and the economics of ...
Donor Investment Choices: Modeling the Value for Money of Investing in Product Development, Public Private Parnerships as Compared to Other Health Care and Non-Health Care Interventions ...