REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is secure, web-based, EDC (electronic data collection) software, developed and distributed by Vanderbilt University, and intended for collecting data and ...
Hearing aids relieve the strain of hearing. With the newer digital technology available, hearing aids also offer more clarity (less strain and more clear hearing). When you get a hearing aid, however, ...
Our current housestaff originate from all geographical areas of the United States and beyond. We average 105 housestaff per year (35 per class).
ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease after the New York Yankees player who was diagnosed with it in 1939. It is a group of conditions that affect ...
The most brilliant advances in medical technology and research are only as useful as our ability to apply them in the clinical setting. In keeping with this philosophy, the Dotter Department of ...
Since it began in 2015, IMPACT has grown into a nationally recognized model for hospital-based addiction care. Our team brings together diverse skills and expertise to support patients as they work ...
Our specialists treat the full range of conditions and injuries affecting the spine. Your care team will make a plan tailored to meet your specific needs. Marin Metz feared she would need a wheelchair ...
Neurological surgeons at OHSU, Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, and the four other hospitals we serve, deliver comprehensive surgical care for patients with brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerve ...
To access Bridge externally you must have an OHSU account and either use a VPN connection or login to Citrix. To access Bridge via Citrix Remote Access, first login to Citrix. Then, launch a Citrix ...
Inclusive language puts our humanity at the center; it allows everyone to feel recognized, valued, invited and motivated to contribute at their highest level. To become an anti-racist institution, ...
For prior year academic calendars or questions about the calendar, please contact the Office of the Registrar. Oregon Health & Science University is dedicated to improving the health and quality of ...
The Outpatient Pharmacy (Physicians Pavilion) is located on the Marquam Hill Campus on the first floor of the Physicians Pavilion Building, just off the main lobby. Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.