This support work by the FAMET Chinooks is not done alone. The Spanish Navy periodically sends its auxiliary ship "Mar Caribe ...
De esos territorios, tres están pegados a la costa. Son la ciudad autónoma de Ceuta (el territorio español más grande de ...
La llegada de la extrema izquierda al poder en España de la mano de Pedro Sánchez está dando lugar a episodios puramente ...
"Masculinity does not have to be a determinant of illness, and this is something that must be highlighted. There is nothing ...
Next year will mark 40 years since the EF-18 Hornet arrived in Spain, where it first served in Wing 15 in Zaragoza. The ...
As I have said on more than one occasion, although I have been a Vox voter since its inception, I have never been affiliated with that party. That is why I have preferred not to comment on the recent ...
Las Islas Feroe fueron descubiertas por el monje católico irlandés Brendan de Clonfert en el siglo VI, aunque se cree que las ...
One of the main tourist attractions of these islands is their spectacular cliffs and beautiful green landscapes, abundant in grass but lacking in trees. Among its landscapes there are some truly ...
False number attributions are widespread today. This is largely made possible by memes, images that spread alleged statements made by someone, almost always without identifying the source, and which ...
In recent days we have been receiving the opposite message. The European Commission led by Ursula Von der Leyen, of the ...
Estos últimos días estamos recibiendo el mensaje contrario. La Comisión Europea liderada por Ursula Von der Leyen, del ...
Las atribuciones de cifras falsas están muy extendidas hoy en día. Esto es posible en gran medida gracias a los memes, imágenes que difunden supuestas afirmaciones dichas por alguien, casi siempre sin ...