Health Minister Alan Milburn believes that restoring public confidence is the key to modernising the NHS and this involves empowerment of patients. He said: “It is the public’s health service. And it ...
The Cabinet Office and the Improvement and Development Agency are urging public bodies to identify ‘avoidable contact’ with customers. National Indicator 14 is one of the 198 indicators against which ...
Ill health and disabilities come in different forms which are often complex and inter-related. For this reason, health and care services have been brought together to provide holistic support. But ...
Across the country pioneering project teams have found out how public money is spent in their area and then looked in detail at how services could be improved at a lower cost. The new approach of ...
Total Place is about mapping public expenditure in a locality and identifying efficiencies through partnership working. Birmingham is a city of a million people and a financial mapping exercise led by ...
This case study published by the London Borough of Croydon sets out protocols that were developed to strengthen relationships between Community Networks and Local Strategic Partnerships. The protocols ...
Easing the stress of unemployment and helping people back to work is the aim of the Single Gateway to Work which integrates all elements of the benefit system. The gateway consists of a one stop shop ...
Investigates the extent to which privatization of public sector services has meant empowerment for public sector managers and a ‘hands off’ approach by central government. Explores the situation of ...
The Raising of the Participation Age means that all young people will continue in education or training to 17 from 2013 and to 18 from 2015. This will be the first time in nearly forty years that the ...
There was a record rise in the number of people accessing library services via the Internet, according to new figures from the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy and the Museums and ...
Traces the evolution of the competency movement from its origin in mediaeval times through to the present day. Describes the national skills initiatives of the US government in its bid to increase the ...
A toolkit has been developed to help care, health and housing agencies ensure that older people are involved more effectively in decisions about how services are delivered. The guide has been ...