Naomi Klein, Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World (London: Penguin, 2023).
It’s 50 years since the first issue of Radical Philosophy was published in 1972. To mark the occasion, we asked a selection of former editors to share their recollections and reflections on their time ...
It’s 50 years since the first issue of Radical Philosophy was published in 1972. To mark the occasion, we asked a selection of former editors to share their recollections and reflections on their time ...
We have, in this conference, discussed all of the crucial aspects of the situation in Europe and especially in Greece. We have, of course, analysed the great historical structures at stake: the ...
TRUTH & RELATIVITY: AN EXCHANGE Sean Sayers’ Relativism Tony Skiffen For some years Sean Sayers has been urging, against empiricism and anal ytical philosophy, the virtues of dialecticallogic. Such ...
REVIEWS Bodies in transition Elizabeth Grosz, Volatile Bodies: Towards a Corporeal Feminism, Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, 1994. xvi + 250 pp., £32.50 hb., £12.99 pb., 0 253 ...
Interview jeff wall Art after photography, after conceptual art Peter osborne Let’s start with a question about theory. Do you consider theory to play a formative role in your art practice as well as ...
Naomi Klein, Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World (London: Penguin, 2023).
Dossier PROPERT Y, POWER, LAW Race, real estate and real abstraction Brenna Bhandar and alberto Toscano The crises and mutations of contemporary capitalism have rendered palpable Marx’s observation ...
News Traces – Unravelling the Cold War in Southeast AsiaThe fiftieth anniversary of the start of the ʻunfinishedʼ Korean War has coincided with a series of realignments in Southeast Asia, as states ...
Dismantling the apparatus of domination?
Appeasing the U.G.C.: The Threat to Philosophy at Bangor; ‘Glasnost’ in Soviet Philosophy?; Philosophy in Schools and Colleges; Philosophy and Medical Welfare; Interlink Jonathan Powers, Peter Osborne ...