Our leadership are responsible for shaping our goals and ensuring we achieve them. They are guided by, and are accountable to our Board of Trustees.
The Mail on Sunday has reported that Brendan Cox, a former senior employee of Save the Children, was accused of inappropriate behaviour while working at the charity in 2015. The safety and wellbeing ...
FGM refers to the removal of all, or part, of the female external genitalia. It's also known as 'female genital cutting' or 'female circumcision'. FGM can cause a range of health problems, such as ...
At Save the Children we believe every child has equal rights. Our founders laid the groundwork for the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which establishes racial discrimination as a violation of ...
We've been working in Yemen since 1963, with programmes focusing on health, nutrition, child protection, food security and livelihoods, education, and water and sanitation. Health & Nutrition Keeping ...
Children are always the most vulnerable in every conflict. Their lives are at risk. So is their mental health and the potential for long-term trauma. But perpetual social media, news and conversations ...
Welcome to the most fun part of the den, full of ideas to help children get creative and fire up their imagination while they’re at home. It’s been made hand in hand with our early learning experts, ...
Footballers have dominated much of the news this week, and not just because the Premier League is back on TV. Marcus Rashford’s campaign to extend free school meals to children throughout the summer ...
Our ambassadors visit our projects, promote our campaigns and work tirelessly to help us get our message heard. Thanks to their work both in the UK and abroad, we're able to help many more children ...
Today is six years since the start of the war in Syria, a conflict that has now lasted longer than the second world war. Thousands of Syrian children alive today were born into war – it’s all they’ve ...
One in five children in the UK can’t read well when they leave primary school. For children from the most disadvantaged backgrounds, the figure is more than one in three. By the time they reach ...
Cut out a triangle out of green felt or card to make the tree top. Then cut out a smaller brown rectangle for the stump and stick it below the triangle. It's as easy as that! You could even hang some ...