Until the great gears at Amazon start turning and give us a new Stargate series, we’ll have to make do with the classics. Fortunately, Stargate SG-1 gave us 10 seasons, two spin-offs (three if you ...
Over the past three weeks we've talked about self-care, hobbies, and boundaries, both our own and those that our favorite characters deploy for their own well-being. Now it's time to put it all ...
This month we're doing a deep dive into the concept of grief, including what we grieve, what that looks like, the many kinds of grief, and what we can do for ourselves and for others. Grief, in short, ...
What do we mean when we talk about boundaries? Boundaries are critical to healthy relationships. It's often easy to tell a stranger to get out of your space (like Carter in SG-1's Heroes Part 2 when ...
This Sunday, February 23rd, Teryl Rothery is joining us to conduct a private 90-minute mindfulness and meditation workshop. The world is... a LOT... right now. Let's ...
Sarah Kurchak is a freelance writer and retired professional pillow fighter. Her first book, I Overcame My Autism And All I Got Was This Lousy Anxiety Disorder, is out now.
Cat Davies Cat Davies is an award-winning filmmaker, scriptwriter, producer and features writer. Twitter Website Quantum Leap — Articles — Interviews — Behind the Scenes ...
Abigail is a journalist and writer currently living in Oxford. She can still quote late-90s films and TV shows at length but has forgotten everything she once knew about maths.
Clarisse Loughrey is the chief film critic for The Independent. She’s worked extensively with the BBC, making guest appearances on Radio 4, Radio 3, BBC 4, and Radio 1’s Screen Time podcast.
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Angela Meyer’s debut novel, A Superior Spectre, was shortlisted for an Aurealis Award, the MUD Literary Prize, an ABIA, the Readings Prize for New Australian Writing and a Saltire Award (Scotland).