Creative Australia has said artist Khaled Sabsabi will no longer represent Australia at the Venice Biennale. The artistic community has condemned this decision.
Iranian authorities have issued heavy prison sentences for at least two dozen activists from the Azeri minority since October 2024, without showing real evidence, Human Rights Watch said today. Azeris ...
Severe Tropical Cyclone Zelia is bearing down on the northwest coast of Australia and is likely to make landfall early Friday evening. It’s a monster storm of great concern to Western Australia. Port ...
As China cements its role as WANA’s top trading partner, US military dominance — unchecked by international law — poses a counterbalance, threatening the region’s future.
Alors que la crise dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo atteint un point critique, la pression monte sur le Conseil de paix et de sécurité de l'Union africaine (UA) afin qu'il prenne des ...
By relying on these devices to help make our lives easier, are we making ourselves smarter or dumber? Have we traded efficiency gains for inching ever closer to idiocy as a species? This question is ...
A gripping psychological thriller, this TV series provides an extreme illustration of the compartmentalising of work and personal life. In the show, “severed” workers agree to a surgical procedure ...
Alors que l’offensive des paramilitaires des Forces de soutien rapide (FSR) s’intensifient au Darfour-Nord, les agences humanitaires se sont alarmées, jeudi, de la détérioration de la situation dans c ...
Charter schools enjoy smaller classes and better teacher-pupil ratios. But big questions remain about their success rates – and why the public system isn’t better resourced.
Before buying or renting your next home, take a closer look at how it will cope with the heat. Try this expert 12-point guide to avoiding ‘hot boxes’.
While the origins of the cross as a kiss are still debated, the answer likely lies in the letters of working-class lovers like these.
Une paix durable est toujours possible au Yémen, mais elle nécessite un engagement, du courage et une action de l'ensemble des parties, a déclaré jeudi l'Envoyé spécial du Secrétaire général de l'ONU ...