Interpol have confirmed the seizure of nearly 20,000 live animals – all endangered or protected species – in an operation that involved intelligence ...
TRAFFIC has over 170 staff working on five continents towards the shared goal of reducing the pressure of unsustainable trade on natural biodiversity. Our team includes experts from a plethora of ...
我们的生态保护和发展工作包括长期贸易监测、数据收集、政策参与和其他个别项目。 除了我们正在进行的贸易监测和向世界各国政府和组织提供专家意见外,我们还针对旗舰野生物物种贸易问题开展专门的项目。 We operate a Wildlife Consumers Behavioural Change online ...
At a time of unprecedented biodiversity loss, TRAFFIC is scaling up evidence, solutions, and influence to ensure that trade in wild species is legal and sustainable, for the benefit of the planet and ...
The trade in wild species is complex. Deepen your understanding with our tools and online courses that can help you act on illegal trade and enable you to support legal trade - regardless of whether ...
Pangolins are thought to be the most trafficked mammal in the world, snatched from the wild due to demand for their scales which are mistakenly thought to have medicinal properties in traditional ...
If you think you may have encountered illegal wildlife trade online, you can report it directly via the Coalition To End Wildlife Trafficking Online website.
2012年7月2日中国南宁—中国和东盟国家的代表近日齐聚广西南宁,共同商讨加强中国多部门CITES执法协调工作小组(NICE-CG)与东盟野生动植物执法网络(ASEAN-WEN)的合作,联手打击非法野生动植物贸易。 国家濒危物种进出口管理办公室常务副主任孟宪林博士在 ...
Our mission is to ensure that trade in wild species is legal and sustainable, for the benefit of the planet and people TRAFFIC’s mission is built on the long-term vision of the Kunming-Montreal Global ...
TRAFFIC International takes very seriously its responsibility to protect people, wildlife, and the environment from any harm that may result from coming into contact with our organisation.