Ethiopia has made significant progress in energy access in recent years; however, despite a 94% electrification rate in urban ...
From the bustling medical center of Batchenga to the ambitious hydropower project of Nachtigal, Cameroon is joining the ...
Jobs are the most reliable pathway out of poverty. Sustained and inclusive economic growth, driven by a productive private sector, creates more and better jobs and leads to increases in living ...
Drug-resistant infections occur when pathogens change in ways that render antimicrobial drugs ineffective. As a result, the pathogens survive and continue to spread. When infections are treatable with ...
This chapter states the book’s objectives and main policy messages. It underlines the notion that while the challenges of expanding access, lengthening contracts, and safeguarding the financial system ...
Purchasing power parities for policy making: a visual guide to using data from the International Comparison Program provides an overview of how PPPs, price levels and other ICP results enable a wealth ...
Supplier diversity and inclusion is a highly valued strategic initiative at the World Bank Group. We believe that a diverse and inclusive vendor base benefits us by bringing different perspectives, ...
Malawi’s economic recovery remains fragile due to the slow implementation of macroeconomic adjustment reforms and a series of recent shocks. Low growth and high inflation underscore Malawi’s economic ...
An estimated 36 percent of the very poor escaped extreme poverty because of social safety nets, providing clear evidence that social safety net programs are making a substantial impact in the global ...
Ineffective policies can persist, while potentially effective policies are often not adopted. The World Development Report 2017: Governance and the Law explores why some policies fail to achieve ...
Global growth is expected to hold steady at 2.7 percent in 2025-26. However, the global economy appears to be settling at a low growth rate that will be insufficient to foster sustained economic ...