When you have anemia, your body is low in the red blood cells that supply oxygen to your muscles and organs. Anemia reduces red blood cell levels, causing your skin, lips, and nail beds to appear ...
Approximately 40 percent of adults with chronic pain experience depression or anxiety, according to a review published online ...
Clinical symptoms of depression and anxiety were present in 39.3% and 40.2% of patients with chronic pain, respectively. HealthDay News — Approximately 40 percent of adults with chronic pain ...
Approximately 40% of adults with chronic pain experience depression or anxiety, according to a review published online.
Dec. 22, 2023 — There does not appear to be any profound differences between so-called exposure-based CBT and traditional CBT in the treatment of fibromyalgia. Both forms of treatment produced a ...
Disturbed sleep is a prominent feature of fibromyalgia symptomatology and has been proposed as one of the core symptoms that should be systematically assessed in clinical trials for the treatment ...
The coronavirus, which emerged in China in late 2019, may no longer be a pandemic, but five years after governments ordered ...
Sexual satisfaction is negatively impacted by living with Sjögren disease and is strongly correlated with depressive symptoms.
©News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News ...
A novel analysis of more than 375 published studies concluded that the association between chronic pain and rates of depression and anxiety is staggering. The study found that 40% of adults with ...
Developing myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome is significantly more likely after a case of COVID-19, an ...