Tom Goldstein had climbed to the top of the legal profession. His SCOTUSblog was required reading in law schools. He mixed ...
As a student, Donald Trump played high school football. As a business baron, he owned a team in an upstart rival to the NFL ...
Israel’s Gaza-ification of the West Bank, as some like Baker are calling it, involves destroying vital infrastructure, essential services such as water and electricity, raiding homes, preventing ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy pored over a once-classified map of vast deposits of rare earths and other critical minerals during an interview ...
Jocelyn Samuels was Trump's pick in 2020 to fill a Democratic seat on the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. She ...
The expression Black Hawk Down, the title of a Hollywood film, has become shorthand for a 1993 US military disaster in ...
Medical misogyny is real, but a campaign about women’s pain – if that’s what it is – sponsored by a painkiller company seems ...
Police Report The Savage Police Department responded to 279 incidents between June 20 and June 26. Some of those included: DISORDERLY CONDUCT June 23: Police responded to a report of kids fighting ...
Trevor Hughes, 49, had already called 311 and the local police precinct to complain about the car blocking his driveway on ...
Northeast Syria, he said, is enduring a silent tragedy. The region is struggling to cope with the influx of internally ...
Iran’s supreme leader says negotiations with America “are not intelligent, wise or honorable,” after U.S. President Donald ...