A new show at MoCA LA attempts to expand the definition of the genre, but can it keep up with a rapidly destabilising visual ...
Promising review: "This was probably the best Walmart purchase I have ever made. Very high-quality and easy to install. I ...
As for the former, if anyone was born to use acrylic, it was Paul Jenkins. His signature method began with a primed white ...
A painting of an African prince by Gustav Klimt, lost since World War II and recently restituted, is on offer at TEFAF.
The Moving Art series premiering this weekend expands on the popular Studio Series performances that had been held at the ...
While hanging Cecily Brown’s new exhibition, the curators at the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia noticed that Brown, the ...
During the lockdown, as the world took a pause, friends Kai Hu and Lujing (Lulu) Xie, discovered the art of tufting. "What ...
BRADFORD folk pride themselves on being hardworking, independent minded and plain speaking. They call a spade a spade - if not a shovel! You might say Amy Charlesworth’s art embodies these values and ...
It also has the original “bluer hue” colors in the LEGO set to mimic the bluer colors that da Vinci originally used before ...
The fair has a jewel of a 16th-century illuminated manuscript, and other museum-quality items, but fewer standouts over all.
Cliffhanger Used Books, located next to the Post Office, is operated by the Friends of the Library Foundation, offering gently-used books, movies, and music at discount prices. Open daily from 10 a.m.
Alex Da Corte has a deep connection with the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth. His visit 20 years ago left a lasting ...