Whether you want the finished product to reflect your favorite franchise, game, artwork, or a piece of beautiful scenery, there are puzzles for everyone to enjoy. The below list includes a nice ...
Both are great ways to generate crossword ideas, but the two together mean seeds for new puzzles are getting planned all throughout a tournament weekend. IMPOSSIBLE FOODS (3D: Brand with a plant ...
Over my forty years or so in and around dealing rooms and financial markets, I have heard many theories as to how to approach that problem and have settled on a process that has worked for me.
BFF (3D: "Idk, my ___ Jill?") "Idk, my BFF Jill?" ("I don't know, my best friend forever, Jill?") is a quote from a 2007 Cingular/AT&T commercial promoting their unlimited texting plans. Somehow I ...