Watch as this elephant mother reacts quickly to protect her baby from a fearsome predator. Elephants are highly protective of ...
A dive into the male elephant society African savannah elephants ... These factors impact the expression of consistent behaviors. Unlike female elephants, who spend their entire lives in family ...
The African elephant is much larger than its Asian ... have much larger tusks than Asian elephants. While both male and female elephants can have tusks, you can expect African elephants to have ...
The African savanna elephant lives on the savanna and grasslands ... rounder ears. Both male and female African elephants grow big tusks, but only a few male Asian elephants grow full-size tusks.
The African elephant is the ... multi-tool. The female elephants herd together with juvenile bulls and calves, teaching them where to find water and food, while male elephants are loan rangers.
African elephants ... their whole lives. Elephant herds are matriarchal, which means the leader is female. Mothers will spend time with and lead the calves and the male elephants (bulls) will ...
African elephants ... more experienced elephant matriarchs had a stronger reaction when they heard a recording of a male lion roar than that of a female’s roar. How Do Elephants Defend ...