To see a breaching whale, a soaring bald eagle, bears catching salmon, or a bison up close are unforgettable, awe-inspiring ...
Flags engender such loyalty and pride, they often become very personal emblems with quirky or quaint nicknames: Old Glory, ...
A March 6 letter to Alaska Airlines pilots from the chair of their union safety committee downplays the risk from a flaw in ...
When you're the national bird but also need a spa day…” writes the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over this adorable video of ...
The U.S. bird population is declining at an alarming rate, according to a report published Thursday by an alliance of science ...
After residents expressed concerns over a tree containing an eagles nest that had been cut down in Anchorage’s Sand Lake ...
A new petition is circulating in Haines regarding helicopter noise. It seeks to limit helicopter activity at a heliport 18 ...
At least 112 North American bird species have lost more than half their populations in the past 50 years, according to a new ...
A golden eagle (Aquila chysaetos) was recently spotted soaring over the Kankakee Sands prairie, to which we say, “That’s ...
BETHLEHEM, Pa. - A fully grown bald eagle is recovering after being rescued Thursday morning from Saucon Park in Bethlehem. She was discovered by workers at Saucon Park around 8:30 a.m. She couldn ...
Local food champion Erika Merklin reports that the Victory Garden recently got a $9,600 grant from the state to support additional distribution of fresh and frozen local food throughout the region ...
The board will provide non-binding feedback and will replace two existing advisory boards specific to Juneau and Ketchikan, ...