We started by telling the story of El Batallón de San Patricio(“Saint Patrick’s Battalion”), aka the San Patricios, Irish ...
On July 18, 1863, one of the first all-Black army regiments to serve in the Civil War stormed Fort Wagner in South Carolina.
For 250 years, the US Army has adapted as a living organization composed of operating units and institutional organizations ...
Pentagon leaders have ordered that their websites and social media pages remove articles and images that “promote” DEI.
Amid Trump's rollback on DEI, online history lessons about minority service members, biographies, education, and Medal of Honors erased.
While white generals are often at the center of Civil War archival research, Black Civil War veterans and their families ...
Learn about what's happening across the most pressing civil liberties issues of our time, and what you can do. Since our nation’s founding, discriminatory policies and laws have created an unequal ...
The term “Buffalo Soldiers” was a nickname given to African American Soldiers who served in the United States Army in the west after the civil war. They were the topic of discussion today for Pocomoke ...
The newspaper that day dedicated four stories to Vivian. The American civil rights movement, a mass protest campaign against racial segregation and discrimination in the southern United States ...
Arlington Cemetery's website removes DEI-focused content after Pentagon directive against promoting diversity online.