Today, humans speak over 7,000 languages, yet all of them might share a common origin that dates back at least 135,000 years.
A silver armband discovered in a surprisingly large hoard buried in Scotland reveal more about ancient this ancient era.
If you have just started practicing yoga then take help of props. There are yoga blocks for beginners that can make it easier ...
Until now, at least 14 different species have been assigned to the genus Homo since it emerged in Ethiopia some 2.8 million ...
Feinstein was a full-time reporter for the Washington Post from 1977 to 1991 and a commentator for outlets such as NPR, ESPN ...
Experts were also able to put a rough date on this latest discovery, and suggest that the findings could be between 3500 and ...
Until now, at least 14 different species have been assigned to the genus Homo since it emerged in Ethiopia some 2.8 million ...
An ongoing archaeological dig has found an ancient Greek underwater port, beneath the sea at Tolo in Argolis, in the now submerged city of Asini.