In the "Ecclesiastical History of the English People," the Venerable Bede wrote that Redwald, King of East Anglia starting ...
England was one of the wealthiest kingdoms in Europe. This was due to successful farming and trade in the towns and villages. The king, his earls and the Church all profited from this through ...
"I turned it over and wiped my thumb across it and I saw the Saltire-type of design and I knew instantly it was Viking." [SPACE] In 2014, a bit of silver in a Scottish field caught the eye of amateur ...
Also, the Norman Conquest likely eradicated most evidence of its predecessors, Creighton added. The discovery not only sheds light on the final Anglo-Saxon king, it also provides a rare window into a ...
The organisation of Anglo-Saxon society into shires and hundreds is explained using the example of a shire court at Scutchhamer Knob in Berkshire Early trials were based on oaths. The lawyer Harry ...