The town-run animal shelter is undergoing a 90-day review in the wake of criticisms of its kill and adoption rates, Town ...
The principal revelation is that dogs and cats that don't enter shelters have zero chance of dying in shelters.
BARC announced Friday it is tightening oversight over rescue groups following reports of neglected and mistreated animals.
In a move between Best Friends Animal Society and Dog is MyCoPilot, dozens of pets were relocated from a Texas shelter with ...
The Fort Worth Coalition for Animal Welfare protested outside City Hall to demand transparency after they allege the city has ...
According to a news release last month, Fort Worth’s shelters recently ... is considered “no-kill.” According to the city data from December there were 1,484 animal intakes that month ...
TAILS (Together Assisting in Lifesaving Services) is a pilot program to help animal welfare agencies increase their ...
In Malaysia, animal shelters generally fall into two categories: No-Kill Shelters: These only put animals down in extreme cases, like severe illness or when they're a danger to others. They usually ...
Nate’s honor animal rescue center pulls dogs from kill shelters that usually put the animals down due to space issues.
School employees across Virginia Beach welcome any and all public support. Please contact the school board and ask them to ...