Everyone knows the name of the first man on the moon, but what about the last ... God, if only I were a poet. An astronaut's-eye view of Africa's Lake Chad, taken from the Gemini 9 spacecraft.
A robotic lunar lander built by Texas-based company Firefly has successfully landed on the moon making it only the second private-sector company ever to achieve a soft lunar landing. Former NASA ...
A private lunar lander carrying a drill, vacuum and other experiments for NASA touched down on the moon Sunday ... Earth's celestial neighbour ahead of astronaut missions. Firefly Aerospace's ...
“Robotic deliveries like the Blue Ghost mission perform science experiments, test technologies, and demonstrate capabilities on and around the Moon to prepare for astronaut missions to the lunar ...
with plans to send its first astronaut to the Moon’s surface within the next ten years and a long-term vision for human exploration of Mars. Salem Humaid Al Marri, Director General of the ...