If you love Anime and you're looking for your next family favorite, you're in the right place. We've compiled a top list of the latest and greatest Anime Movies. Give it a scroll and find the perfect ...
Note - Check our site grading system to see scores for each site, and their respective pros & cons.
A mystical, positive take on girl's coming of age.
Then look no further than Dexerto’s list of the 50 best anime movies ever made. What it’s about: Shohoku High School and Sannoh Kogyo High School face off in a climactic game to decide the new ...
Anime Films Airing on Indian TV: July 12-18 (Jul 11, 2020) Doraemon The Movie: Jadoo Mantar Aur Jahnoom, Doraemon Movie: Toofani Adventure Films Listed as Airing on Hungama TV This Week (Jul 6 ...
By Manohla Dargis Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy don’t exactly meet cute in this action movie, but they do find romance as well as horror. By Glenn Kenny The artist and director Khaled Jarrar ...
Titles with fewer than 7 critic reviews are excluded.
"He went to rescue his daughter, but Italy had other plans." ...
We’ve handpicked the finest movies and television shows currently streaming on Hulu in the United States. Take a look. By Jason Bailey Sign up for our Watching newsletter to get recommendations ...
What’s the best movie I can watch on Netflix? We’ve all asked ourselves this question, only to spend the next 15 minutes scrolling through the streaming service’s oddly specific genre menus ...