Analysis of sedimentary ancient DNA has illuminated 6,000 years of the lives of Adélie penguin colonies on Antarctica's Ross ...
"Ancient sedimentary DNA recovered from Adelie penguin colonies allowed us to detect the presence of other local species through time, including a range of birds, seals and invertebrates," said lead ...
"Although these seals no longer breed on the Antarctic mainland, we now have evidence to indicate they once did more than 1,000 years ago," Zhou said. Before discovering southern elephant seal DNA ...
When this elephant seal strayed on to their bit of the beach, these penguins weren't going to take it lying down. As a result, the young seal suffered a painful pinch on the behind as the gentoo ...
A British scientist died after being attacked by a huge seal while snorkelling in the Antarctic. Marine biologist Kirsty Brown, 28, was studying the movement of icebergs when the animal struck ...
A marine biologist at the British Antarctic Survey has been killed by a leopard seal as she snorkelled. The seal attacked Kirsty Brown without warning and dragged her underneath the water as she ...
Sammy the elephant seal is a long way from where his family ... Elephant seals normally live on sub-Antarctic islands as well ...
Mass elephant seal deaths have been reported in the Antarctic region after a high level of mortality has been detected among elephant seal pups at three sites around South Georgia. Animals have ...
In the winter of 1999, Guy Williams took a trip to the Antarctic. A PhD student in oceanography at the University of Tasmania, he had become fascinated with the role polynyas—unfrozen expanses of ...
An unusual medieval gold seal with a gemstone engraved with an elephant carrying a castle on its back has been added to a museum's collection. Discovered by a metal detectorist near King's Lynn ...