A rifle sling is one of those standard yet under-appreciated pieces of gear that hunters and shooters depend on. It’s easy to let a sling for your hunting rifle or AR be an afterthought, but choosing ...
This is arguably the most practical rifle sling a shooter can own. Designed by F&S Shooting Editor, Richard Mann, the Riflemann sling is made of nylon webbing and suede. It has a front loop for ...
Triplett & Scott Arms created a unique breechloading carbine near the end of the Civil War, and before the war's end, 5,000 ...
In the past, you used to have to shell out hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to get a really great rifle scope. Thankfully, those days are gone. Advancements in scope technology have come a ...
The first one I recall reading about was the Remington Model 710. Economical materials and manufacturing allowed Remington to make and sell a bolt-action big-game rifle with a bore-sighted Bushnell ...
What you collect is your own damn business, and if you favor taxidermied snakes in jars, human skeletons, tarantula specimens, tooth pendants and stuffed bats, welcome to the Room of Lost Things ...
We've loved Willow for years, bestowing Best of Denver awards on the fine craft gallery in 2007 and 2008 — but now the shop has cleared out a niche to house 1876 | BASECAMP, a separate local ...
Using the best sniper rifle loadouts in Black Ops 6 is a sure way of dominating lobbies, with these powerful marksman weapons being among the best guns in the game. Unsurprisingly, Black Ops 6 is ...