Apologetics not only strengthened his faith but also revealed the joy of leading others to Christ. "I got into it by desiring to share the faith with my friends," he said. “They were firing questions ...
The first of two works by Geisler, this one is subtitled, “A Popular Handbook on Bible Difficulties.” Coming in at over 600 ...
Have you, or someone you know, ever caught the apologetics bug? As a young Christian, I discovered apologetics. Like many others, each new YouTube video or article would whet my intellectual appetite ...
Classical apologetics is an approach that employs natural theology to establish theism as the correct world view. Classical apologetics addresses non-believers and their objections to Christianity ...
Carroll proposes that "questions of authority in the postexilic period" necessitated the "radical ... Is fulfilled prophecy of value for scholarly apologetics? I would say yes. As I have tried to ...
With the launch of this column last week, we officially set sail on a grand and farreaching journey that will eventually take us from the uttermost reaches of the cosmos to the depths of human ...
Try these discussions to improve your speaking and listening. There are 20 questions in each activity - 10 for Student A and 10 for Student B. You can print out the worksheet. You can listen to the ...
We congratulate you on your engagement and want to offer a word of encouragement to you during this special period of preparation for marriage. While there are many issues which you will discuss ...
Within hours of informing parents of the arrest, four more complaints were received, and the school sent a new communication to parents responding to the main questions received during that period.
Her current research takes on the official Li Chunfu (1177-1223) and his defense of the Buddhist tradition against neo-Confucian critics as an important chapter in the rivalry and mutual influence of ...
Tremendous faith amidst tremendous suffering: While Western elites, politicians and media outlets all hyperventilate about the supposed problem of “Islamophobia” in the West, the real… ...
Church hurt travels in both directions—from the pews to the pulpit and in reverse. When a first-time guest comes to my church after belonging to a different congregation in the area, I brace ...