If you cannot get Snap Cubes, you can use colored Styrofoam balls or gumdrops with toothpicks. 1. Remind students of the different substances they have worked with and explain that these substances ...
A team of physicists and engineers at the University of Colorado Boulder has discovered a new way to measure the orientation ...
Ensure students have an understanding of how mass and atomic numbers can explain the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in atoms. Explain with examples that isotopes have the same number of ...
The Atoms for Peace and Development motto summarises the IAEA's mission, which is to ensure that nuclear technology is used only for peaceful purposes and to help Member States use this remarkable ...
Polyethylene is made up only of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The mass of carbon is pretty low. The mass of hydrogen is the lowest of all the atoms. These low masses help explain why polyethylene has a ...
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is one of only few techniques that allows individual atoms to be seen and analysed. However, the TEM instrument requires a high vacuum environment, and the ...