Pennsylvania Game Commission field forester Marty Cirelli is currently spearheading a project aimed at managing woody ...
The young stem will be flexible unlike old wood. If you need to renovate an overgrown or leggy old tree, prune when the plant is dormant, in winter. Lilacs respond well to hard pruning and you can cut ...
To train cats and other curious critters to stay away, have a pruning session on your roses or cut some prickly barberry branches and position these thorny branches on top of and around the crop ...
If you have ever wandered around a gardening center or greenhouse looking for some kind of ornamental shrub to put in your yard, you probably have come across Japanese Barberry. Highly acclaimed as a ...
A gardener moved into a new home, only to discover they had an invasive plant on their property. Their post on Reddit showed a picture of two Japanese barberry bushes, a highly invasive plant, but the ...
Many garden plants benefit from pruning, but it's important to prune at the right time of year ... Many types of rose can be pruned in winter, including floribundas, hybrid teas, shrub roses and ...